A Life of Quality

A Life of Quality

Quality of Our World

We partner with many local organizations that help us be the best environmental stewards we can be, recycling and repurposing our industry’s specific waste products. We use PakTech can holders because they’re made from 96% post-consumer recycled #2 plastic and because they’re much easier to recycle than standard 6-pack rings. They also keep the tops of our cans clean—even better for when you pack ‘em in and pack ‘em out! We work with the City of Boulder to reduce the nitrates in our city’s water, thereby protecting aquatic environments. Our city’s wastewater needs more readily available carbon to allow the bacteria to breathe and remove nitrates from the system; we provide this carbon in the form of weak wort, the sugar water that remains after we’ve steeped malt in hot water. We are particularly well-suited for this partnership because our high alcohol beers leave behind more sugar, so our weak wort contains high concentrations of sugar. Rather than dumping weak wort down the drain, we’ve found a unique way to turn this waste product into a valuable asset to our community!